Year 2 – Reconciliation – Rules

Year 2 – Pentecost

Year 2 – Local Community – The different books used in church

Year 2 – This year the children have been learning about two other religions; Judaism and Islam.

Year 2 – R.E. – Celebrating our Advent topic and creating a class advent wreath to remind us of God’s everlasting love for us.

Year 2- RE Judaism. We discussed the different parts of the Havdalah ceremony which marks the end of Shabbat (a special time for people of the Jewish faith). Next, we then made this come alive by recreating part of the ceremony by making our own spice boxes. It was fun choose the spices by taking in their scent and including appropriate images to decorate the box.

Year 2 – R.E. Responding to our Beginning Topic – The children carefully planned their focal point for our class Celebration of the Word. They ensured that each object had a link to our chosen scripture.