Thinking about what makes a good friend! We made each other friendship bracelets!

Good News! We shared our good news during our class worship at the end of our Pentecost topic.

Our new topic is growing for Lent and Easter. We have been thinking about how the chicks are growing and we went outside to see what was growing on our Spring walk!

Let’s Celebrate! In our RE lessons we have been looking at all different types of Celebrations.

EYFS Nativity!

Some of our work in the provision during advent!

Advent- As a class we talked about purple being the colour of Advent we changed to a purple cloth and added a nativity scene to our focal point. We talked about the meaning of Advent, waiting and preparing for Jesus. We looked at the Advent Wreath and when each candle is lit. We then made our own Advent Wreaths.

This week we have spent time talking about birthdays! We made our own birthday display in class and talked about how some of us have had our 5th birthday and some of us are waiting for our 5th birthday! The children decided to have their own birthday party!

Baptism Response Celebration of the Word. We reflected about how we feel when we are welcomed and thought about the importance of the sign of the cross.

Our Baptismal Candle

During our ‘Welcome’ topic we have been learning all about Baptism. We listened to the story and sequenced the different parts of the sacrament of Baptism.

Looking at our key vocabulary in our Baptism topic and making our Baptismal Candles!

Today we had our very own Baptism for baby Joy. The children remembered all of the key people who are present at the baptism and could remember our key symbols too! We even had a party to celebrate after!

Judaism Week! We talked about times we celebrate and then sequenced the story of Hanukkah! We then explored our environment with lots of Hanukkah links.

We talked today about how God looks after us! We talked about how it feels to look be held. We passed around the babies and made sure to look after them like God looks after us.

We have been talking about the importance of our names. We played pass the name and picked our friends name out and found the right person to give it to!